Who we are
The NextGen Co-op Alliance (NGCA) is a broad-based coalition of electric coops brought together by the common desire to serve our communities and driven to do what is best for our member-owners.
For many of us, our members are best served through deploying new technologies such as solar, storage, microgrids, hydrogen, and other distributed energy resources. The members of NGCA share a collective goal of supporting coops to obtain the best technology and resources for our members. We understand that not every Co-op may want to transition to renewable energy, but we all agree that regardless of power supply, we all listen and are driven by our member-owners.
NGCA is a collection of CEOs from distribution co-ops representing member-owners in seven states. We come together monthly to learn from one another, share best practices, and leverage resources to work toward the most equitable power supply for our members. In doing so, we are making great strides in stabilizing the power rates our members pay for energy and driving new local economic opportunities.
Legacy of rural co-ops
We acknowledge and respect the legacy of distribution co-ops and their G&T partners. Together, we electrified rural America. The business models G&Ts constructed established reliable power supplies for our member-owners and served them well in the past.
Energy evolution
The world and our industry have changed in ways we could barely imagine even 20 years ago. Coal-fired power plants are becoming more expensive than alternatives. Newer, cleaner technologies are now available – at lower costs. Our focus has been and continues to be on providing our members with the most cost-efficient power supply on the market.
Energy marketplace
The fact is, the energy marketplace is both more complex and more transparent than it was during the New Deal and even into the start of the 21st century. Competitive, wholesale energy businesses have emerged and changed how energy is bought and sold. NGCA members strive to continue to evolve based on our member’s needs.
Strength in numbers
There is strength in numbers. NextGen Co-op Alliance was formed so we can work together to establish more equitable and more flexible relationships with our power providers – whether a G&T or an independent wholesaler – and bring our memberships the cleaner, more cost-effective energy they want.
Our mission
The mission of the NextGen Co-op Alliance is to advance principled practices that enable distribution co-ops to take advantage of new and emerging power resources now and into the future. To that end, we are dedicated to restoring relationships with power supply providers and promoting a cleaner, more cost-effective power supply.

The members of the NextGen Co-op Alliance are agents of change in communities across the country. We are not committed to any single solution to the issues plaguing rural power supply and procurement, but no matter what form a solution may take, we work toward the following goals:
Local control restored
Bring the power back to the people by offering member-owners flexibility in power supply and energy transition participation.
Power supplies positioned for the future
This means leveraging the competitive energy marketplace, increasing clean energy, facilitating stable rates, and driving local economic development.
Empowerment of local innovation
Distribution co-ops have a long history of innovation and we aim to restore that legacy. The individual co-op’s leadership – and its members – know what they need, they know what they want, and they know the best ways to get them.
Restoration of democratic governance
The fiduciary duties of distribution co-op board members are to the member-owners who elected them. We intend to restore and strengthen the principles upon which our co-ops were founded and ensure that our members and our local communities are each board’s number one priority.
With these goals in mind, the NextGen Co-op Alliance dedicates itself to educational tools and networking opportunities to all distribution co-ops with the common desire to serve our communities and driven to do what is best for our member-owners.
Keep in touch
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Fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.

Founding members
Chad Felderman
Chair, CEO, Dakota Energy Cooperative, Huron, South Dakota
Luis Reyes
Vice Chair, CEO, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Taos, New Mexico
Ron Holcomb
Treasurer, CEO, Tipmont Rural Electric Membership Corporation, Linden, Indiana
Scott Westlund
Secretary, CEO/General Manager, Sheridan Electric Cooperative, Medicine Lake, Montana
Matt Hanson
Member, CEO, McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Watford City, North Dakota
Brad Zaporski
Member, CEO/General Manager, San Miguel Power Association, Ridgeway, Colorado
Luke Johnson
Member, CEO/General Manager, Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Association, St. Cloud, Minnesota
Mark Gabriel
Member, President & CEO, United Power, Brighton, Colorado